- 30. X.-L. Zhao, Q.-M. Wang, T. C. W. Mak*, Betaine-Induced Assembly of Neutral Infinite Columns and Chains of Linked Silver(I) Polyhedra with Embedded Acetylenediide, Chem. Eur. J, 2005, 11, 2094-2102.
- 29. T. J. Wadas, S. Chakraborty, R. J. Lachicotte, Q.-M. Wang, R. Eisenberg*, Facile Synthesis, Structure, and Luminescence Properties of Pt(diimine)bis(arylacetylide) Chromophore−Donor Dyads, Inorg. Chem. 2005, 44, 2628-2638.

- 28. T. J. Wadas, Q.-M. Wang, Y.-j. Kim, C. Flaschenreim, T. N. Blanton, R. Eisenberg*, Vapochromism and Its Structural Basis in a Luminescent Pt(II) Terpyridine−Nicotinamide Complex, J. Am. Chem. Soc. 2004, 126, 16841-16849.

- 27. Quan-Ming Wang, Young-A Lee, Olga Crespo, Joseph Deaton, Ching Tang, Henry Gysling, M. C. Gimeno, Carmen Larraz, M. D. Villacampa, Antonio Laguna, Richard Eisenberg*, Intensely Luminescent Gold(I)-Silver(I) Clusters with Tunable Structural Features,J. Am. Chem. Soc. 2004, 126, 9488-9489. (Highlighted in Science 2004, 305, 575).

- 26. X.-L. Zhao, Q.-M. Wang, T. C. W. Mak*, Self-Assembled Silver Polyhedra with Embedded Acetylide Dianion Stabilized by Perfluorocarboxylate and 4-Hydroxyquinoline Ligands, Inorg. Chem. 2003, 42, 7872-7876.

- 25. Q.-M. Wang, T. C. W. Mak*, Assembly of Discrete, One-, Two-, and Three-Dimensional Silver(I) Supramolecular Complexes Containing Encapsulated Acetylide Dianion with Nitrogen-Donor Spacers, Inorg. Chem. 2003, 42, 1637-1643.

- 24. Q.-M. Wang, T. C. W. Mak*, Crown Ethers as Ancillary Ligands in the Assembly of Silver(I) Aggregates Containing Embedded Acetylenediide, Chem. Eur . J , 2003, 9, 43-50.

- 23. Quan-Ming Wang and Thomas C. W. Mak*, Facile construction of anionic silver(I) aggregates with embedded acetylide and cyanide, Angew. Chem. Int. Ed. 2002, 41(21), 4135-4137.

- 22. Q.-M. Wang, T. C. W. Mak*, A novel organometallic columnar complex containing endohedral silver(i)-ethynediyl binding and exterior silver(i)-aromatic interaction, Chem. Commun. 2002, 2682-2683.

- 21. H. Jiang, Y.-C. Liu, J. Li, G.-W. Wang, Y.-D. Wu, Q.-M. Wang, T. C. W. Mak*, Novel photo-induced coupling reaction of 9-fluorenylidenemalononitrile with 10-methyl-9,10-dihydroacridine, Chem. Commun. 2002, 882-883.

- 20. Quan-Ming Wang and Thomas C. W. Mak*, Crown-Ether-Directed Assembly of Discrete and One-Dimensional Silver Aggregates Containing Embedded Acetylenediide, Angew. Chem. Int. Ed. 2001, 40, 1130-1133.

- 19. Quan-Ming Wang and Thomas C. W. Mak*, Argentophilicity and Solvent-Induced Structural Diversity in Double Salts of Silver Acetylide with Silver Perfluoroalkyl Carboxylates, J. Am. Chem. Soc. 2001, 123, 7594-7600.

- 18. Quan-Ming Wang and Thomas C. W. Mak*, Ellipptic Column Consolidated by Acetylide Dianion, Cyanide and Trifluoroacetate in a Novel Quadruple Salt of Silver(I), J. Am. Chem. Soc. 2001, 123, 1501-1502.

- 17. Quan-Ming Wang and Thomas C. W. Mak*, Novel Honeycomb-Like Layered Structure: The First Isomorphous Triple Salts of Silver Acetylide, J. Am. Chem. Soc 2000, 122, 7608-7609.

- 16. Yugen Zhang, Jianmin Li, Jinhua Chen, Qibin Su, Wei Deng, Masayoshi Nishiura, Tsuneo Imamoto, Xintao Wu, and Quanming Wang, A Novel α-Helix-Liked Metallohelicate Series and Their Structural Adjustments for the Isomorphous Substitution, Inorg. Chem., 2000, 39 (11), pp 2330–2336.
- 15. Quanming Wang, Xintao Wu, Wenjian Zhang Tianlu Sheng Ping Lin and, and Jianmin L, Solids with Rhombic Channels: Syntheses and Crystal Structures of [Cu3(NTA)2(4,4'-bpy)2(H2O)2]·9H2O and [{Cu(4,4'-bpy)(H2O)4} {Cu2(NTA)2(4,4'-bpy)}]· 7H2O (NTA = Nitrilotriacetate, 4,4'-bpy = 4,4'-Bipyridine) Inorg. Chem., 1999, 38 (9), pp 2223–2226.
- 14 Jun Guo,Tianlu Sheng,Wenjian Zhang,Xintao Wu,*Ping Lin,Quanming Wang, andJiaxi Lu, Syntheses and Characterizations of a Series of Tetradecanuclear Molybdenum(Tungsten)/Copper/Sulfur Heterobimetallic Cluster Compounds, Inorg. Chem., 1998, 37 (15), pp 3689–3697.
- 13. Ping Lin,Xintao Wu,*Qun Huang,Quanming Wang,Tianlu Sheng,Wenjian Zhang,Jun Guo, andJiaxi Lu, Syntheses and Characterizations of the Novel Dodecanuclear Heterobimetallic Cage Clusters: [Et4N]2[(M2Cu2S2O2edt2)3(μ6-S2)]·CH2Cl2 (M = Mo, W; edt = -SC2H4S-), Inorg. Chem., 1998, 37 (21), pp 5672–5674.
- 12. Yu, H., Zhang, W., Wu, X., Sheng, T., Wang, Q. and Lin, P., Three New Structural Types of Mo/Ag/S Polymeric Complexes. Angewandte Chemie International Edition, 1998, 37: 2520–2521.
- 11. Jianmin Li, Huaqiang Zeng, Jinhua Chen, Quanming Wang and Xintao Wu, Crystal structure of a flexible self-assembled two-dimensional square network complex [Cu2(C3H2O4)2(H 2O)2(4,4′-bpy)]·H2O, Chem. Commun., 1997, 1213-1214.
- 10. Ping Lin, Xintao Wu, Wenjian Zhang, Jun Guo, Tianlu Sheng, Quanming Wang and Jiaxi Lu, Synthesis and characterization of the first dodecanuclear M–Ag–S cage cluster: [NEt4]2[{M2Ag2S2 O2(S2C2H4)2 }3(µ6-S)]·CH2Cl2 ·MeCN (M = Mo, W), Chem. Commun., 1997, 1349-1350.
- 9. Li Jianmin, Zeng Huaqiang, Ke Yanxiong, Wang Quanming, Wu Xintao , Synthesis and x-ray crystal structure analysis of Cu-2(CH3CH2COO)(4)(OPph(3))(2),Cryst. Res. Technol., 1997, 32: 475–479.
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- 6. Qun Huang,Xintao Wu, Quanming Wang,Tianlu Sheng, andJiaxi Lu, Heterobimetallic Clusters of Copper(I) with Trithiotungstate and Trithiomolybdate. Synthesis and Characterization of the Octanuclear Clusters [Et4N]4[M4Cu4S12O4] (M = Mo, W) and the Dodecanuclear Clusters [M4Cu4S12O4(CuTMEN)4] (M = Mo, W; TMEN = N,N,N',N'-Tetramethylethylenediamine), Inorg. Chem., 1996, 35 (4), pp 893–897.
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- 4. Jianmin, L., Yuhong, Z., Gentao, Z., Quanming, W., Qun, H. and Xintao, W. , Preparation and Novel Coordination Structure of [Cu(sacch)2(H2O)2] · 4 H2O. Cryst. Res. Technol., 1996, 31: 197–202.
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